Click Here to download – Assessment Structure 2023
Guidelines for Assessment of Competency-based Learning
- Assessment shall be competency based.
- The assessment shall be based on the competencies stated in the respective subject framework.
- Assessment in key stage I (PP-III) shall be solely continuous formative assessment (CFA).
- Assessment in key stages II to V shall follow a blend of continuous assessment (CA), which is a mix of CFA and CSA (continuous summative assessment) and the summative assessment (SA) consisting of term and year-end examinations.
- For CA, the assessment areas depending on the subject include such as project works, assignments, practical, portfolios, classwork, homework.
- Since the marks for different assessment areas are allotted specifically to achieve the required
competencies, it is crucial to assess students’ performance in the specified areas and award
appropriate marks. As a result, the written exam marksshould not be computed and added to the CA, or vice versa. - All CAs, including practical and project works, shall be school-based, conducted and assessed by schools on a continuous basis as per the requirements of the respective subject. This condition also applies to common examination (Classes VI and VIII) and high-stake examination (Classes X and XII). However, the year-end practical examination for TVET shall be assessed externally.
- The details of assessment areas and weightings for CA and written examinations are specified in the respective subject frameworks and Instructional Guides.
- The written exam question items for home, common and high-stake examination shall be based on the competencies stated in the respective subject frameworks. The question patterns shall be dictated by the nature of respective subject.
- The written exam question papers for the home, common, and high-stake examinations must be set
out of the total marks specified in the respective subjects and converted to add the CA marks for computation. - For high-stakes exam (class X & XII), the scores of midterm and trial written examinations will not contribute to the final result. Similarly, classes VI and VIII midterm examinations scores will also not contribute to common exam result. However, the CA marks will be added for final result computation.
- The written examination duration in each key stage shall be based on the requirements of respective subject.
- Term and year-end examinations for all, EXCEPT Classes VI, VIII, X and XII, shall be named as “home examinations” and will be conducted and evaluated by respective schools. However, common and high-stake examinations (written) for classes VI, VIII, X and XII termed as “Common Examination”, “Bhutan Certificate for Secondary Education (BCSE)”, “Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC)”, and “Language and Culture Studies Certificate (LCSC)” respectively shall be conducted and evaluated externally.
- Classes X and XII shall have midterm, trial exam and high-stake examinations. On the other hand,
- classes VI and VIII will have midterm and common examinations.
- BCSEA shall administer and conduct the high-stake and common examinations.
- In key stage V, a student can choose between five or six subject combinations as given below in the table.

Science stream:
i. 5 subjects I: English, Dzongkha, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
ii. 5 subjects II: English, Dzongkha, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
iii. 6 subjects: English, Dzongkha, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics
Commerce stream:
i. 5 subjects: Dzongkha, English, Business Mathematics, Accountancy, Business and
ii. 6 subjects: Dzongkha, English, Business Mathematics, Accountancy, Business and
Entrepreneurship and Economics
Arts stream:
i. 5 subjects (without Maths): English, Dzongkha, Geography, History and Economics
ii. 6 subjects (with Maths): English, Dzongkha, Geography, History, Business Mathematics
/Maths and Economics